From around 2000, aware of the major input of the biobanking in research; we decided to collect samples from residual human tissues, we opted for developing a generalized type of biobank including normal, inflammation and tumour samples but also specific biobanking (i.e. tissues from grafted patients). Tumour samples cover a wide variety of tumours and more particularly from brain, gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system... as illustrated in the figure below.
Now, the tumourbank of the Pathology Laboratory of the Erasme Hospital is a part of the "Biobanque Hôpital Erasme-ULB" and consists of frozen and paraffin-embedded tissues. Using paraffin blocks, we have also customized specific tissue microarray to increase the availability to researchers.
Our goal is to develop specific tumour biobanking with high scientific added value such as glioblastoma with a complete genomic signature.
The tumourbank is integrated in the ISO15189 certified pathology laboratory; a specific quality system, adapted from the most recent scientific guidelines, is applied to our tumourbank. Moreover ULB is involved in Wallon and national initiatives to promote synergy between biobanks.
All the steps from storage to delivery are realized in the respect of regulation and ethical rules.
Our biobank is involved in different scientific projects particularly in the development of biomarkers.

If you need more information, please contact Ms Flavienne Sandras (biobank manager): flavienne.sandras@erasme.ulb.ac.be or consult the website www.hopitalerasme.be --> services diagnostiques --> anatomie pathologique.