
02/04/2014: Royal Decree on the norms that a care programme for paediatric haematoma-oncology must satisfy to be recognised


Royal Decree of 02/04/2014 that describes the norms that the specialist care programme for paediatric haematoma-oncology and the satellite care programme for paediatric haematoma-oncology must satisfy to be recognised; this decree also addresses participation in the Cancer Registry and the need for training in cancer registration (publication 18/04/2014). 

15/12/2013: Royal Decree Amendment 26/04/2007 (already amended on 07/06/2012) concerning the norms that the specialised oncological care programme for breast cancer must satisfy to be recognised


Royal Decree of 15/12/2013 amending the Royal Decree of 26/04/2007 establishing the norms that a coordinating breast clinic and a satellite breast clinic must satisfy to be recognised (publication 23/12/2013) 

30/08/2013:  Royal Decree Amendment 21/03/2003 related to the norms for oncological care programmes 

Royal Decree of 30/08/2013 amending the Royal Decree of 21/03/2013 including instructions related to the need for data managers to follow a basic training course and an advanced training course for cancer registration (publication 02/10/2013)  



07/06/2013: Royal Decree Amendment 26/04/2007 related to the norms that specialist oncological care programme for breast cancer must satisfy to be recognised 

Royal Decree of 07/06/2012 amending the Royal Decree of 26/04/2007 establishing the norms that a breast clinic must satisfy  to continue to be recognised (publication 27/06/2012)      


13/02/2012: rules of interpretation for the use of the nomenclature for MOC consultations (initial MOC, follow-up MOC and additional MOC) 

The rules of interpretation, established on 13 February 2012, concerning the correct use of the nomenclature in submitting a MOC, a follow-up MOC and an additional MOC (publication 26/04/2012). 


05/12/2011: Royal Decree on the recognition of laboratories for anatomical pathology  

Royal Decree on recognition for laboratories of anatomical pathology by the Minister responsible for Public Health (publication 13/02/2012). 


26/10/2011: Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 25 April 2002 concerning the budget for financial resources for hospitals

To increase nutritional support for cancer patients as of 1 January 2011, a budget is shared between hospitals that have a recognised cancer programme. Dieticians are funded using the available budget. Conditions and job descriptions are listed in the Royal Decree. The funding depends on the number of MOCs that are reimbursed. The funding may be reviewed annually based on qualification and effective allocation in an oncological care programme (publication 29/11/2011).                                                                                                                 Download


27/09/2010: Amendment to the law of 14 July 1994: amendment of the MOC form and FU 

Regulation of 27 September  2010 amending the regulation of 28 July 2003 from the implementation of Article 22,11°, of the law on compulsory insurance for healthcare and benefits, coordinated on 14 July 1994 (publication 14/10/2010).                                Download


18/08/2010: Royal Decree Amendment 14 September 1984: changes to MOC and FU nomenclature

Royal Decree of 18 August  2010 to amend Articles 11, § 1, and 19, § 5, of the appendix to the Royal Decree of 14 September 1984 to establish the nomenclature of medical services related to compulsory insurance for healthcare and benefits (publication 24/09/2010).                                                                                                                 Download

18/12/2009: Royal Decree related to the nomenclature of medical services related to compulsory insurance for healthcare and benefits

 This Royal Decree announces an additional fee, to be credited to the physician-specialist in medical oncology, or holder of the special professional title in clinical haematology or in paediatric haematology and oncology, if he or she coordinates or attends the multidisciplinary oncology consultation (publication 28/01/2010).                                                         Download


20/09/2009: Budget for financial resources for hospitals (data manager)

Royal Decree of 20September  2009 that provides funding for a data manager, depending on the number of MOC registrations (publication 06/10/2009).                                        Download


26/04/2007: Norms for breast cancer care programmes

Royal Decree of 26 April 2007 with the norms that a specialised oncological care programme for breast cancer must satisfy to be recognised (publication 20/07/2007).                       Download


13/12/2006: Health Act: detailed description of the modalities for cancer registration

Act containing diverse health-related provisions of 13 December  2006: Article 39 of Chapter VI describes the modalities for cancer registration in detail (publication 22/12/2006).                                                                                                                 Download


24/07/2006: Changes to the standard registration form and introduction of the follow-up form

Regulation of 24 July 2006: amends the standard registration form and establishes the use of a second registration form for follow-up data (publication 31/08/2006).                      Download


29/05/2006: Criteria for accrediting physician-specialists in medical oncology

 Royal Decree that describes the training for managing medical data, for cancer registration and for the use of Cancer Registry data, as being part of the training for the candidate specialist in medical oncology (publication 14/06/2006).                                             Download


28/07/2003: Participation in an MOC implies registration

Reference is made to a standard cancer registration form (Appendix 55) (publication 29/08/2003).                                                                                                                 Download


21/03/2003: Admission conditions for oncological care programmes

Royal Decree of 21 March 2003 establishing the norms that the oncological care programme must satisfy to be admitted (publication 25/4/2003).                                                                                                                   Download

Erratum (publication 02/06/2003)                                                                                Download


10/02/2003: Participation in a MOC implies registration

 Reference is made to a first standard cancer registration form (Appendix 93) (publication 28/02/2003).                                                                                                                 Download


25/11/2002: Conditions for MOC reimbursement

Royal Decree of 25 November 2002 that establishes the conditions for reimbursement of the multidisciplinary oncology consultation (MOC) (publication 13/12/2002).                   Download



