PROCARE – project on cancer of the rectum

Candidate TME-trainers

A relevant number of surgeons have expressed their interest to be assisted at TME surgery by TME trainers. After the surgery and pathology workshops organized in 2005, it was decided that any Belgian surgeon could be candidate-TME trainer.

The procedure to reach the status of trainer was set up by the board of the BSCRS in collaboration with delegates from the Pathology Societies.

In brief:

  1. Candidate-trainers submit all their consecutive patients data to the FBCR for registration. They identify themselves by indicating their intention to become trainer on the surgery data-entry form (actual surgical training status) and mention the name of their pathologist (hospital data, pathology report).
  2. The PROCARE datamanager at the BCR asks the material for pathology review.
    It consists of:
    • high quality digitalized photos of the fresh TME specimen (not PME !) before inking,
    • high quality digitalized photos of the macrosections (after inking and fixation) according to Quirke,
    • microscopy slides (cfr. Letter to pathologists 10/2006).
  3. After receipt, the pathology material is anonymized at the BCR and submitted to the pathology review board.
  4. The results of the pathology review board are completed by anonymous patient data and submitted for final assessment (pass/fail) to a delegation of the BSCRS, meeting at the BCR. The BCR sends feedback to the candidate TME trainer.
  5. Each candidate TME trainer has to submit at least 10 (but, preferably 15) consecutive, evaluable cases, preferentially before the end of 2007 (but, those who started before 2008 will be evaluated.
  6. To become 'TME trainer', TME quality has to be smooth/regular or mildly irregular in at least 6 out of 10 cases in a moving window of 15 consecutive cases at a maximum.
  7. There are no credentials as a trainer. In no circumstances the fact that a surgeon is a trainer can be used as credential for expertise outside the context of the PROCARE project.
  8. TME trainers are committed to assist their colleagues who would ask for it. They have to comply as much as possible with the organisation of TME training by the BSCRS and the BPSA. 

For more information, click here 


